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The website is published by Euro Latina Finance, SASU headquartered at 8 boulevard Emilie Augier – 75116 Paris. The company is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number B 519 917 231.



Legal Notices and Terms of Use


The term Website refers to edited by Euro Latina Finance.


The term User refers to the entirety of the web users browsing the website.



Article 1: Scope
These terms of use govern the contractual relationship between every single user of the Website. The User should review with utmost attention this document and read it again each time he accesses the Website. Indeed, the use of the website establishes the acceptance of the Terms of Use. In this respect, if you have any questions concerning the Website, you may contact us by mail at: The Terms of Use presented here may be modified in order to take account of changes linked to French legislation or the modification of the Website’s softwares. A consultation of these Terms of Use must therefore be carried out regularly by the User.



Article 2: Intellectual Property Right


The company publishing is the sole owner of the intellectual property rights regarding the structure and content of the Website. Every single element on the Website (images, databases, brands, illustrations, logos, drawings, models, layout, downloadable documents) are protected as intellectual works under French and International legislation on copyright and intellectual property.  Unless prior and written permission, any reproduction, adaptation, modification, representation partial or complete of any component of the Website by any means whatsoever is forbidden under threat of prosecution. The use of the content of the Website in a professional or commercial context or the commercialization of said content to a third-party is forbidden, unless Euro Latina Finance has explicitly expressed its agreement.



Article 3: Liability

The services offered are compliant with existing laws. The photographs and texts illustrating the services offered are not contractually binding. Therefore, Euro Latina Finance cannot be held accountable in the event of a mistake in one of the photographs or texts. The links featured on the Website which redirect the User on external websites are provided for information purposes only. Euro Latina Finance cannot be held accountable for the content of these external websites.



Personal data and privacy protection


Euro Latina Finance is committed to respect existing laws regarding the processing of personal data and in particular the (EU) 2016/679 European Parliament and Counsel ruling of the 27th of April 2016 applicable from the 25th of May 2018 onward. (Hereafter: , «the General Data Protection Regulation » or GDPR).



Article 1: Personal data


The data collected is used for anonymous statistical consultation analysis.


Euro Latina Finance only processes personal data provided when contacting the company from the Website: email address and name of the User.


The processing of said data aims to facilitate contact between the User and Euro Latina Finance. The processing activities are therefore specifically dedicated for contact purposes (email). This enables the company to answer the Users’ requests and queries.



Right of access and rectification


In compliance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6th, 2004, the User has the right to access and modify the information that concerns him/her.


You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data. You can ask us to modify and delete the entirety of your data by sending us an e-mail at the following address:



Retention period​


The aforementioned data will be kept as long as it takes to process the information sought by the User. Said data will be retained for a maximum of 5 years.



Data security


Moreover, Euro Latina Finance has entrusted Gandi with hosting its website to ensure the security of it’s Users’ personal data.

Gandi exclusively stores User’s data in France. The servers used by Gandi are located in data centers certified by the environmental (ISO 50001), quality (ISO 9001) and information security (ISO 27001) standards. The hardware and software infrastructure on which the websites have been hosted is designed to ensure data full data protection (preventive equipment such as IDS, palliative equipment anti DDoS, partitioning of client hosting via Xen, KVM or Cgroups).



Article 2 : Cookies


When you visit Euro Latina Finance’s website, traffic data and cookie folders are stored in your computer. This allows an internal analysis regarding the visiting pattern on the Website to be carried out in an attempt to improve its content as well as establish statistical data (pages visited, time spent on each visit, etc…). You can manage the parameters regarding the storage of cookies from your browser.




Website credits


Website created by:

Ana Key Kapaz

Rua Mourato Coelho, 299

Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP 05417-010

CNPJ 15.221.464/0001-03


Website hosting by:

Gandi SAS

65-68 boulevard de Massena

75013 Paris, France



Photo credits


Additional photos by Alexander Kagan, Daniel Vargas, João Tzanno, Rodrigo Kugnharski and Timon Studler.


Rua Tabapuã, 1123 – 12º andar
04533-014 São Paulo
Tel : +55 11 3074 1260

29, rue La Boétie
75008 Paris

Tel : +33 1 5691 4040

Carrera 16 #97 – 46, Torre 97 Piso 7
110221 Bogotá
Tel : +57 301 459 0316
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